Saturday, May 25, 2013

On Acts: The Mission of the Holy Spirit

Mark Driscoll:

"[...]The mission of the Holy Spirit, as we see throughout Acts, is to bring people to faith in Christ.  As Jesus says to his first followers at the outset of the book: 'You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth' (Acts 1:8).

[...]Throughout the book, we learn to recognize evidence of the Holy Spirit at work:

Bold evangelism (4:15, 31, 33)

Passionate worship (2:47, 4:21)

Generous, sacrifical giving (2:45)

Participation in the life of the church (2:46)

Baptisms (2:41, 8:12)

Lives changed (3:8, 4:36-37)

That’s what I want for our church. That’s what I want for Christians everywhere and for non-Christians who are actually going to be Christians (but, in the providence of God, they just don’t know it yet)..."

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